Amazing Results from Real People

“The Veil is Lifted!  I Can See With Absolute Clarity!”

I’m a healer myself and have known Dr. Andie for several years. I came to her seeking help with removing the Veil of Forgetfulness as I’m an amnesiac and struggle with this. So I decided to schedule a three-session series with Dr. Andie.

Following one of our sessions in my daily meditation, I had the most incredible experience! It was truly as though the Veil had been lifted off of my eyes. In this vision, I couldn’t see anything – all was black – but at the same time I could see with absolute clarity. It was the most crystal clear pure seeing I’ve ever encountered. It was as though I was seeing in stillness and in 360 degrees all around. I could feel myself elevating and up-leveling from where I’d been stuck for so long. I’m now able to take this new clarity with me into my own work and I’m so grateful for Dr. Andie’s guidance and gifts!

I’ve also felt as though I’m under constant attack and Dr. Andie was able to tune into that and tell me which crystals I needed for protection. I immediately went out to get those I didn’t already own and now I’m feeling much better walking through the world!

If you’re looking for an insightful, intuitive, loving, and generous healer, then schedule a session with Dr. Andie today!

~Shelley Esler, Loving Energy Transformations

“Powerful Release of Long Held Fears — My Body Actually Shook!  Enabled Me to Move Forward with Life!”

Excerpt from the audio above…

…We were sitting in my sister’s room and we were working in the quantum field.  And when Andie started working on me, I was looking at the lights and the lights started getting brighter and brighter because we were at a higher frequency!  We were all vibrating at that space of love.  And I remember as she was working on me, I was standing up and she was clearing all the fear (and this is the first time I’ve experienced this in 2012) and my body started shaking – no one’s ever done that to me.  But when she was working on me, my body started shaking as she was releasing the fear.  I could barely stand up. It was like I was having spasms in my body and I could feel it leaving… Andie really helped me move forward in my life to where after she did that activation on me — after we did that work together — I started making changes… She really moved things very quickly for me — quantumly — to where everything I did after that was easy — step after step after step!  Andie is a master healer and a master teacher!

~Iona F.

“My Journey Through Breast Cancer With Archangel Andie by My Side”

Excerpt from the audio above…….

I was calm, observing. The whole thing never touched me, I could not identify with that cancer not even for a moment. But I knew, I will bring my body to all the appointments, to the surgery, and treatments, that was not a problem for me. I felt blessed and grateful for all this divine GRACE and guidance. And I had an ArchAngel at my side, Andie, she did a beautiful powerful healing, which I repeated regularly and took on my MP3 player with me into the hospital – Andie was holding my hand throughout all that period, I was never alone! She sent me constantly LIGHT and Healing. Even during the operation, she was connected with me and merged with so much LOVE…This little piece of cancer turned out to be the most precious diamond–a gift of life! I never had pain, and no lymph nodes got involved. My healing is proceeding joyfully and I even forget there was something dangerous in my breast.I really would like to give all my blessings and thanks to Andie for all that she’s done. I really love you, Andie. Thank you so, so much!

~Silvia M.

“Miracles DO Happen!  I am Confidently Pursuing My Dreams!”

My biggest issues were a lack of clarity in terms of career and direction, a lack of self-esteem, and emotional pain.  I am hoping to achieve a magical career using my gifts and talents, prosperity, ability to balance emotions, and to believe in myself.  In the last few days, I have definitely noticed a big shift.  I am using the bubble a lot and have neutralised some big issues and it’s working brilliantly!

 I have also magnetised powerful manifesting techniques which I believe have come to me as a result of the Maestro of Humanity course.  I am also understanding what it is to be the hunted rather than the hunter and working towards embodying this.  

The shift is happening and I am expecting to be hunted much more now rather than forcing things to happen.  The looking behind-your-eyes concept has really helped with this. A place of neutrality and no forcing.  Thank you so much.

If I could tell you one thing — Go for it!  This really works and creates considerable shifts. Miracles happen and propel you on your highest journey.

~Rachel H.,, featuring pianist, Nicholas Sykes

Rachel is an incredibly talented singer, performer, and Andie’s coaching client.  She has recorded Ava Maria with healing resonance at 432 Hz utilizing the work she and Andie have been doing together.  Please enjoy!

“I Am Blossoming…Million Dollar Contracts Keep Coming In!”

I feel like abundance is flowing my way on all levels of my life. I am so grateful for Andie’s programs and personal sessions and would like to share my experience with anyone who wants to make positive changes in any and all areas of their life.I had emotional triggers that were causing me a lot of emotional upset and she cleared them quickly and easily so I am not triggered anymore! She is able to get to the root of the problem quickly and things always shift for the better!”

Before working with Andie, I used to say horrible things about myself to myself and was living in a very low energy. Since having sessions with Andie, I actually love myself and have shifted in the way I talk and think! It has made a huge difference in my life!

My money flow has improved and my relationships are much better. I feel like I am a different person than I was before. I always feel so much better after I talk to her.”My business is doing better with more clients and multiple MILLION DOLLAR CONTRACTS flowing in, I am more confident and I am looking forward to the future.

I have also added 6 new books and music to my series of Children’s Books:

In my opinion, Andie is one of the most innovative healers on the planet.

~ Anita H. CEO, Author

“I Am Living the Life I Came to Live! Changed on a Cellular Level”

I have worked with Andie for the last 7 months and I can honestly say that my energy has changed beyond recognition.  The difference being I am trusting life, I have let go of my limiting beliefs, and I am experiencing life with ease and fulfillment.

My perceptions have also changed.  I have a higher vibration and I am easily attracting people and ideas into my reality. When I first started working with Andie I had other healers and mentors, but Andie surpasses them all.  I intuitively knew this is what is going to make a difference and she is a gift that came just when I needed it.  I am more confident within myself and the big one for me is letting go of the notion of finding fulfillment outside of myself.  I am experiencing calm and clarity as a way of life now.  It’s like she has given me the blueprint and I am living the life I came to live.  I am releasing blocks and beliefs that no longer serve me. The work is done at the cellular level, which I have not experienced with any other healer.

Andie is generous with her time and energy, her insights are spot on. She works with a high degree of integrity and with so much love and compassion.  I totally trust her with my soul.  A true gift to humanity.  I feel truly blessed, that she has come into my life.

~ Shaheen

My Life Is Improved In All Areas Thanks To Dr. Andie’s Guidance

Hi Andie,

How could I be any more lucky than to know you? I am so grateful to know you and grateful to our creator that I followed my knowing that “here is someone special” and met up with you–thankful for taking the first shaky step contacting you after hearing you speak. Your understanding, abilities, and generosity have deep and genuine healing in them. Thank goodness I mustered the courage and resources to follow through.

So much good comes in our time together. With your kind and incisive help, I and my family have received many blessings: financial disaster averted, recovery from betrayal and loss, and ever more solid ground to stand on, to love from. With your help, our seemingly endless and crazy financial runarounds with the bank were happily concluded before an important deadline.

Not only that, I joyously greeted the arrival of my new car from an entirely unexpected source, just exactly when it was needed even though the outlook originally appeared empty. My husband’s job showed up for him when needed, and we have more stability financially and personally. …and so much more.

I really don’t know where I’d be without you and all that you share and teach. Our deep companionship and camaraderie are priceless to me. Daily meditations and practice bring peace. Through the years–much to my relief and joy–I react far less to difficult situations and receive more support and guidance from truly holy sources. Our family is kinder, more patient, and more genuine with one another. Each one of us more willingly go the extra mile within ourselves as well as with others. Our neighborhood also shows these changes with neighbors reaching further in kindness sharing, helping, and recognition… We all seem to appreciate more our precious community.

I am experiencing such a radical shift from constant work to fix myself, things, and others. So much of my life was in crisis, struggle to redeem the crises, improve the stories in place, and a persistent feeling of not being myself. I live now more becoming myself in my real nature–less craziness, less self-explaining, less debt, fewer contortion…less truly is more here. I never could have done this without you, Andie, without truth, without the grace of God and all that is included in grace.

Your priceless coaching has sustained me and moved me forward many times. “Priceless” should go in boldface, outsize caps, and italics, all at once; if it were, it still wouldn’t be over the top for describing my time with you and all your generous loving help. You don’t dole out formulaic responses and teaching. You meet me (and others) where I am and as who I am whatever the context, be it in coaching, our group calls, or meditations. You speak of your own experiences in a truthful way that is always illuminating.

Anyone who works with you is in for wonderful things and ineffable, genuine goodness. Well, I could go on but then I might not stop. I am grateful through and through to you for your genuine presence and impeccable healing and teaching.

Sending much love,

~Kathleen K.

“New Job Making $18k More Than Before”

When I met Andie I had been unemployed for 6 months.  Now I have a new job and I’m making $18,000 more/year than before!!

 Andie is the one who started me on my journey to becoming wholly integrated.  I did quantum work with her. I remember sitting in my room with her which was darkly lit.  I noticed once she started doing the quantum work, my whole room lit up!  Now in my space, I can ask for the lights to go up, and they do – my vibration is at a whole new level.  I feel good about where I am and where I am going – I trust in myself and the universe.  Thank you, Andie, for all that you have done for opening me up to the entirety of me.  Love you!

~ Kim

“Andie Neutralized my Chronic Pain and Instilled a Life of Confidence”

My experience working with Andie and using the activations has changed my life. Her generous heart, pristine intuition, and connection to The Divine are second to none Andie helped neutralize my chronic dental pain and instill confidence/grace in all aspects of my life. I am forever grateful!

~ Iveta

“Unexpected Monetary Bonus at Work Thanks to Andie!”

My boss called me up out of the blue to give me an exceptional money bonus this month!! This never happens! I am definitely in an abundance flow thanks to Andie!!

Andie’s gifts are absolutely magnificent. Her ability to tune in to the higher realms are uncalled for and I am amazed at the expansion I have experienced ever since my session. I have more clarity and have literally reinforced my intuitive skills as well as divine connection and I owe it all to Andie.

Andie infuses clarity and ease in her healing processes and unravels all the dense and heavy blocks, limiting beliefs as well as negativity. She does this with ease and grace. You do not have to relive a trauma nor remember particular events. She zeroes in on everything in a magical way and works in an all-encompassing way, you get uplifted in so many levels. I am also grateful because her energy is imbued in crystalline light and you feel it right away. Your frequency rises just by being in her presence. Her group calls are a treat, do not miss them!

Andie gives tools, tips, and techniques that you can use every day. She is an empoweror!!! I worked on abundance with her and manifested an incredible money bonus at work (this had never happened before). Thank you, Andie, for your generosity, heart, and genuine attention. I am forever grateful!!!

~ Rym D.

“I Let Go of Long-Time Blocks & Found a New Path”

I’ve just had an amazing call from Andie Depass, for over an hour…This came at a time when I am at a major crossroads in my life (when the pupil is ready, the teacher appears?).  Andie showed me that I was not serving myself, or filling up myself from Source when I put them everyone else first. She showed me how to access Source for myself to replenish and reconnect…which would then enable me to help others from that place. For one of my questions of what next rework, she heard that a unique way for me to use my healing gifts and creativity, that will bring me joy and fulfillment, and abundance, which I will be pursuing, with great excitement.  Throughout her clearing and healing work, I saw amazing colours, and felt joy bubbling throughout my body, even giving me the giggles at times, which further released fears and blockages that I was not aware of. There was so much energy the call dropped out several times! I am still buzzing…Burdens and fears I have carried most/all of my life, let go and left me with a lighter, bubbly feeling inside, even long-held tensions disappeared. There were many aha moments, from the moment she spoke, that blew me away, how much insight she had…If anyone needs some heartfelt guidance that really works, get in touch with Andie, she is amazing!

– Jeanette

New Clients, Relationship Freedom, and Finally On Track!!!

This is not what I would have expected and certainly not what I would have known to ask for, but everything has changed since I began working with Andie to clear out the Male Microchimerism virus. Within four days of our first session, I had four new clients. They just came right out of the woodwork looking for me! It would have been amazing enough had it stopped there. However, it didn’t.

A chain of events began the very evening of our session that led to my husband making a very poor choice. Up to this point, I’ve always forgiven him and let him get away with lying and hiding. Not this time. I finally realized for the first time that I was free! That I didn’t have to put up with his lies any more! I left him and I couldn’t be happier! I feel like I’ve been living HIS life for years. I’m just so ready to live MINE!! I thought it would be hard or difficult to go it on my own as a single mom. But I’m loving it! I truly haven’t been this happy in years! What’s more, my business has continued to grow thanks to your session and your classes. It looks like I will actually be able to support my daughter and I. Thank you for everything, Andie! You have changed my life!!!

~ Shae W.

I Realized that I am a Beautiful Soul–Andie completely changed my life!”

My experience with Andie DePass was truly life-changing. I took Andie’s class, I had a 1:1 session, and I can say firsthand her process is extraordinary. Her intentions for your growth are Divine. Combining her years of knowledge and research, with her compassionate nature, she will help you to reach further than you could imagine and become your highest and best self! She will take you to your Truth, she has a way of tapping into whom you really are, even if you forgot, and help you realize you are a beautiful soul.

She makes learning, growing, and change a joyful process. Change and being honest with yourself can be ugly and Andie makes it doable as she walks with you at your own pace with a smile on your face. She is pure joy. Her tools are so very effective. She will give you new spiritual routines to do on a daily basis to strengthen you along your path. I resonated with Andie and her powerful tools brought me such love and peace. Using her tools with consistency, you will be so amazed on how you can shift your life immediately.

Andie’s work is for everyone, if you are new to a spiritual path or if you are well on your way, no matter, she has the personalized healing for you. !If you want your life to look different, I highly recommend Andie DePass.

~ Annette Lowe